There are certain blocked characters which are not allowed in the fields/boxes due to cyber security reasons.
You are advised to refer to the tool tips (icon named "?") given against each of the entry field (box), and at Right Hand Side top corner, "Tips to Fill in the Form", about the allowed characters in the fields. Fields entered with blocked characters are not permitted due to cyber security reasons.
For e.g. .(dot)s are not allowed in any of the "Name" fields under "NGO Details" , in password field one capital letter (A, B, C...Z) and one number(0,2,3..9) is mandatory and the length should be more than 6 letters.
Other blocked characters include the following:
' (apostrophe comma)
\ (backward or reverse slash)/
= (equals)
In addition, words like 'select, drop, insert' mentioned in the list of the tool tips have also been blocked. Even words with the sequence of 'select', 'drop', 'insert', 'delete' like 'selection' , 'selected', 'selects' or 'dropped' 'drop-out', 'inserted', 'deletes' etc. will be rejected.
The website URL field accepts only addresses starting from "http://" so if you don't have any address to give there just leave it blank.
While filling up the "Date of Registration" field, kindly use the calendar given beside the field and you can use the arrows given there to change the months and years.
You are also advised to take care of the file size you are uploading in the Certificate field. It should be less than 2MB - it would be easier to upload a .jpg file.
Registration Certificate should be scanned in pdf or jpg (preferably) format, and uploaded. The size of the file should be less than 2MB.
In case of Trust deeds, only the first page and the page with the signature on it should be scanned and uploaded. Instructions for uploading are the same as above.